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Kunstmuseum Winterthur:

The Green Room

Grünes Zimmer

A photograph of the Green Room from 1985

This room is called the 'Green Room' because of its original green wallpaper. It directly adjoins the salon, the first living room that the Hahnloser couple redesigned according to their own ideas. Initially, the two rooms were not only connected by a door, but also by a window. In the course of Hedy and Arthur Hahnloser's collecting activities, more and more pictures came together, requiring more and more space. The window was eventually bricked up to create more wall space for hanging works of art.

Zeichnung Rittmeyer 1916

A drawing of the Green Room by Robert Rittmeyer 1916

A drawing by Robert Rittmeyer from 1916 shows how the architect conceived and planned the room. In the design, the room is fully furnished: Not only are the furniture, lamps and curtains included, but also the paintings, and there are fresh flowers on the chest of drawers. In the central, horizontal picture on the wall, you might recognise a landscape of Lake Geneva by Ferdinand Hodler. Because the interior design was of such great importance, it was considered in detail during the planning phase – right down to the paintings and flowers.

The wallpaper was replaced repeatedly over the course of time. Today, a blue shade dominates the 'Green Room'. However, the pattern of this wallpaper too is based on designs by Hedy Hahnloser.